
Freeway uses Flight Circle for scheduling and billing. 

Sign up with Flight Circle here:
Log in to Flight Circle here:

You’re looking for times on the schedule that are available for both plane and instructor, typically 2 hours at a time.  Available times are in white, all other colors are for planes/instructors already booked, grayed out times are when instructors are unavailable.

Viewing all of your upcoming reservations is possible by changing the schedule view.  When you are on the regular schedule page, near the top right corner, click on “views” then “my reservations”.  I’ve included pictures that show that, as well as the steps for syncing the schedule to a calendar.

Another helpful feature with Flight Circle is that it can set to automatically sync with your calendar with just a few steps listed below.  Doing so can greatly reduce errors in tracking your upcoming flights.

If you use a Google account with your calendar, you can input your login info into Flight Circle and have all of your flights automatically added to your calendar.  To do this, click on your name in the top right corner > Settings > Schedule Settings > Sign in with Google.  The Google calendar option works better than the iCal option listed below. 

If you don’t use a Google account on your calendar, you can still have your schedule automatically sync with the calendar on your device by using the iCal option.

Calendar Subscription (iCal / ICS)
Automatically sync your Reservations to your personal calendar application like, Google Calendar, Mac Calendar, Outlook, iOS, Android, etc.

    Name menu top right > Settings > Schedule Settings > Calendar Subscription: Check the box to enable the service for your user.
    A unique URL will be shown.  Highlight and copy this link.
(The above steps are shown in the attached pictures.)

    Open your calendar application and add a “Subscription” calendar.  Paste your custom link.  Here are a few details about each calendar:
        Mac Calendar:  File > New Calendar Subscription.  You can set the refresh rate from 15min or greater.
        iPhone / iOS 14:  Settings > Calendar > Accounts > Add Account > Other > Add Subscribed Calendar.
        Google Calendar:  Calendar Setting > Add calendar > From URL (direct link).  Google updates may occur up to every 12 hours.

Note:  Your subscription URL will automatically disable if you do not login at least once every 3 months.


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